A pesar del cierre fronterizo, 14 brasileños fueron autorizados a cruzar hacia Pacaraima por motivos de salud (FOTOS)

A pesar del cierre fronterizo, 14 brasileños fueron autorizados a cruzar hacia Pacaraima por motivos de salud (FOTOS)

Brazilian people, part of 14 Brazilians who were authorized to cross the border for health reasons, are pictured as they cross from Venezuela to Brazil at the border, in Pacaraima, Brazil February 26, 2019. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes


Un total de 14 brasileños fueron autorizados a cruzar la frontera por motivos de salud. Algunos fueron fotografiados mientras cruzaban de Venezuela a Brasil en la frontera, en Pacaraima.

Brazilian people, part of 14 Brazilians who were authorized to cross the border for health reasons, are pictured as they cross from Venezuela into Brazil at the border, in Pacaraima, Brazil February 26, 2019. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes
Karen Porto (L), one of 14 Brazilians who were authorized to cross the border for health reasons, is pictured as they cross from Venezuela into Brazil at the border, in Pacaraima, Brazil February 26, 2019. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes
A Venezuelan military greets colleagues and Brazilian Army Colonels (L and 2nd L) as 14 Brazilians who were authorized to cross the border for health reasons cross from Venezuela into Brazil at the border, in Pacaraima, Brazil February 26, 2019. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes
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