Extracted 85 kilos of solid waste in underwater cleaning in Bahía de Cata

Extracted 85 kilos of solid waste in underwater cleaning in Bahía de Cata

Photo: La Patilla


Nearly 85 kilos of solid waste were extracted during the fifth Underwater Cleaning Day held in Cata Bay, located in the “Costa de Oro” Municipality of Aragua State.

By La Patilla

Feb 26, 2023

This was reported by María Olga Vargas, director of “Arrecifes de Venezuela” (Reefs of Venezuela), who explained that among the material collected they found plastic, ghost nets, fishing gear, rubber, glass bottles, among other elements.

She explained that in the activity that aimed to preserve the marine ecosystem, a total of 12 volunteer divers participated in a dive down to about 18 meters in depth.

Likewise, she thanked the support provided by the Costa de Oro Mayor’s Office, PNB Espacios Acuáticos, INEA and the Ocumare de la Costa Tourism Department for supporting the development of this event.

Furthermore, she suggested the creation of programs in which government authorities participate with the purpose of improving the behavior of service providers and tourists.

It is important to note that “Arrecifes de Venezuela” is a non-profit organization whose objective is to protect, restore and maintain the health of the country’s coral systems.

Read More: La Patilla – Extracted 85 kilos of solid waste in underwater cleaning in Bahía de Cata

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